Six Best Herbs for a Happy Gut

Why Gut Health Is Important

You don’t have to look hard to find mounting evidence about the importance of our gastro-intestinal health when it comes to health and wellbeing throughout the body. It’s a vast and complicated system. However, research like this continues to emerge about how imperative it is to create proper balance of bacteria in the GI tract to ensure brain health, boosted immunity and ability to fight off chronic disease.

According to research in the 2022 journal, “Gut,” the gut microbiota is now considered one of the key elements contributing to the regulation of human health.

Other Benefits Beyond Health

Going beyond how we feel, research continues to emerge surrounding the impact of gut health and how we look. For example, see the implications here in this article about the impact and connection between what we consume and the health of our skin.

Herbs And Spices Create A Happy Gut

We have known for a while that herbs contain especially high antioxidant properties. However, we now know the benefits go beyond those cancer-fighting properties. Studies like this one show that herbs are a form of prebiotic – or food for our healthy gut bacteria. 

This means that herbs are broken down into digestible products for that good bacteria. This helps them to thrive. Herbs also contain polyphenols, which are vital to the health of our gut, impacting a multitude of other factors throughout our bodies.

Herbs Are Good For Gut Inflammation

Adding certain herbs to your food can be a flavorful replacement for salt and artificial flavoring. In addition, they often create an anti-inflammatory effect and have a positive effect on the gut microbiome. These herbs and spices include:

  • Rosemary
  • Parsley
  • Peppermint
  • Ginger
  • Turmeric
  • Cinnamon

For more ideas about how to include cinnamon and other spices in beverages, check out this article. 

Simple Tips For A Healthy Life

  • Breakfast – Sprinkle cinnamon on oatmeal
  • Lunch – Toss parsley into your salad for a boost in flavor and health benefits!
  • Dinner – Don’t ignore that ginger with your sushi! Or grate some ginger into your homemade stir fry to make the most of your meal!

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