Category: Nutrition and Health Tips


Anti-Inflammatory Foods

Inflammation is a normal part of our bodies response to injury (think of swollen skin around an injury or cut).  It’s necessary

Nutrition and Health Tips

How Much Water is Enough?

So you’ve heard that you’re probably not drinking enough water, but WHY does that matter – and how much is enough? Hydration

Nutrition and Health Tips

Simple Ways to Cut Back on Hidden Sugar

Dangers Of Hidden Sugar Fall is in full swing!  That means busy school nights and weekends filled with games, activities and parties.

Nutrition and Health Tips

The Big Rewards of Family Meal Time

Take a moment to think back over the past week.  How many times did your family sit down together for a meal?

Nutrition and Health Tips

6 Simple Ways to Boost Veggie Intake

*as seen in the March issue of Twin Creeks Living* You might know that the USDA suggests five to nine servings of

Nutrition and Health Tips

Why the Chickpea?

Why the chickpea???  Well…it all started back when I was a junior in college.  I was studying abroad in Italy. Ahhhh…those were