Simple Ways to Cut Back on Hidden Sugar

Dangers Of Hidden Sugar

Fall is in full swing!  That means busy school nights and weekends filled with games, activities and parties. When it comes to meals and snacks, grab’n’go choices can seriously derail the best-laid plans for steering clear of too much hidden sugar.

Excess sugar has been linked with heart disease, dental cavities, Type 2 diabetes and obesity. Obesity is linked with cancer and a host of other ailments. Studies like this one are plentiful and demonstrate the significant impact of sugar on health.

Super Swaps To Reduce Sugar

Here are some quick tips for avoiding hidden sugar, beyond obvious sources like sodas, candy and baked treats.  

  • Whole grain gains! When picking cereal, remember this rule of thumb: 6 grams or less of sugar + 3 grams or more of fiber per serving = a smart choice!
  • Go bananas! In lieu of pre-sweetened oatmeal, cook whole oats with a banana and top with berries and cinnamon.  Use mashed, ripe berries instead of jelly on pb&j. This boosts nutrient value as well.
  • Shake it up!  Make your own dressing by tossing salads in olive oil, flavored vinegar, salt and pepper to avoid added sugars and unnecessary ingredients.
  • Healthy hydration! Swap soda for water infused with lemon or fruit, naturally flavored sparkling water or 100% juice.
  • Caffeine counts! Watch out for super-sized coffee drinks – many exceed the sugar recommendation for a whole day!  Instead choose unsweetened tea or coffee and add your own sugar and milk or flavor with cinnamon or nutmeg. This post has even more tips on lower sugar ways to build healthy coffee drinks.
  • Sly sugar! Peanut butter, pasta sauce, and even bread can be sneaky. Avoid ingredients like corn syrup, fructose, evaporated cane juice and brown rice syrup. All of these are sources of hidden sugar.
  • Be serving size wise!  Just because it looks like one serving doesn’t mean it is!
  • Celebrate! Make dessert a special occasion!

For more snack ideas, check out this post. Small changes can add up – for the whole family!

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